ICAPS 2012 Presentations
Invited Speakers
Controlling Robots Across Intermediate Time Delays - Robert O. Ambrose (11.2 Mb)
Temporal Logic Motion Planning for Mobile Robots- George J. Pappas (14 Mb)
Building Qualitative Models of Spatio Temporal Behavior - Anthony G. Cohn (2 Mb)
ICAPS Paper´s Sessions
Session Ia: Temporal Planning and Scheduling |
Tractable Monotone Temporal Planning (N.A.) |
MDD Propagation for Disjunctive Scheduling (< 1 Mb) |
Long-run Stability in Dynamic Scheduling (< 1 Mb) |
Iterative Improvement Algorithms for the Blocking Job Shop (8.8 Mb) |
Session Ib: Combining Heuristics and Search for Optimal Planning |
About Partial Order Reduction in Planning and Computer Aided Verification (<1Mb) |
Pruning Methods for Optimal Delete-Free Planning (< 1 Mb) |
Optimal Planning for Delete-free Tasks with Incremental LM-cut (< 1 Mb) |
Enhanced Symmetry Breaking in Cost-Optimal Planning as Forward Search (2 Mb) |
Session IIa: Special Track on Continuous Planning |
A Planning Based Framework for Controlling Hybrid Systems (1.8 Mb) |
Bandit-Based Planning and Learning in Continuous-Action |
Integrating Vehicle Routing and Motion Planning (< 1 Mb) |
Session IIb: Admissible Heuristics in Optimal Planning |
Incremental Lower Bounds for Additive Cost Planning Problems (< 1 Mb) |
How to Relax a Bisimulation? (< 1 Mb) |
Minimal Landmarks for Optimal Delete-Relaxed Planning (< 1 Mb) |
Session IIIa: Robot Path Planning |
Incremental ARA*: An Anytime Incremental Search Algorithm for |
Sampling-Based Coverage Path Planning for Inspection of Complex Structures (10.7 Mb) |
ITOMP: Incremental Trajectory Optimization for Real-time Replanning in |
Session IIIb: Enhancing Descriptions and I mproving Plans |
Planning Modulo Theories: Extending the Planning Paradigm ( 1 Mb) |
Optimizing Plans through Analysis of Action Dependencies and Independencies (< 1 Mb) |
Optimally Relaxing Partial-Order Plans with MaxSAT (2.2 Mb) |
Session IVa: Planning and Scheduling in the Real World |
Making Hybrid Plans More Clear to Human Users – A Formal Approach for Generating |
The Application of Automated Planning to Machine Tool Calibration (2.4 Mb) |
Using AI Planning to Enhance E-learning Processes (2 Mb) |
On Modeling the Tactical Planning of Oil Pipeline Networks (< 1 Mb) |
Session IVb: Learning and Local Search in Planning |
Plan-based Policy Learning for Autonomous Feature Tracking (1.1 Mb) |
Resource-Constrained Planning: A Monte-Carlo Random Walk Approach (2.4 Mb) |
Planning via Random Walk-Driven Local Search (< 1 Mb) |
Learning Portfolios of Automatically Configured Planners (< 1 Mb) |
Session V: Best Papers |
Temporal Planning with Preferences and Time-Dependent Continuous Costs (1 Mb) |
On Computing Conformant Plans Using Classical Planners: |
Semi-Relaxed Plan Heuristics (< 1 Mb) |
Session VIa: Probabilistic and Non-Deterministic Planning I |
Risk-Variant Policy Switching to Exceed Reward Thresholds (1.8 Mb) |
Fast Incremental Policy Compilation from Plans in Hybrid Probabilistic Domains (1.7 Mb) |
Improved Non-deterministic Planning by Exploiting State Relevance (7.6 Mb) |
Anticipatory On-line Planning (< 1 Mb) |
Session VIb: P&S for Shipping and Transportation |
Automated Planning for Liner Shipping Fleet Repositioning (2.3 Mb) |
CP and MIP Methods for Ship Scheduling with Time-Varying Draft (1.2 Mb) |
Schedule-Driven Coordination for Real-Time Traffic Network Control (2.1 Mb) |
Route Planning for Bicycles – Exact Constrained Shortest Paths made Practical via |
Session VIIa: Probabilistic and Non-Deterministic Planning II |
Short-Sighted Stochastic Shortest Path Problems (1 Mb) |
Probabilistic Planning Based on UCT (< 1 Mb) |
Tackling Finite-Horizon MDPs with Large Branching Factors (< 1 Mb) |
Session VIIb: Heuristic Search |
Optimal Search with Inadmissible Heuristics (< 1 Mb) |
Faster Bounded-Cost Search Using Inadmissible Estimates (< 1 Mb) |
Predicting Optimal Solution Cost with Bidirectional Stratified Sampling (3.2 Mb) |